Monday, April 30, 2007
I have lost my wife.
Well something pretty funny happened the other night in Raliegh NC. This was at the Rowdy Frynds show during an intermission. I was up on the concourse and I noticed this plastered redneck talking to a security lady. He was exclaiming he had lost his wife and needed help finding her. She asked him to describe her. And his only answer was " SHE's BROWN HEADED!" I died laughin. Then he gave one more piece to the puzzle.....She is wearin a Bocephus shirt and on the back it says "If you don't like Hank Jr. you can kiss my ass" I continued laughin and walked on.
Monday, April 16, 2007
First week behind us!
I am back in Nashville tonight. The weekend was a big success. Had shows in Tampa on Friday the 13th and down in Pompano Beach Fl on Saturday night. Ronnie and myself vended the pompano show. It was fun. One of the more memorable comments. This lady asked me if a large was bigger than a medium. Here's your sign...We leave for Indy Thursday for shows there and then Peoria on Saturday night. Till next time............see pics from the Tampa show here.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Originally uploaded by nashvegasvending.
Well we have the first show under our belt. It was a huge success! There is an unbelievable amount of product styles on this tour. 25 shirts 12 Skynyrd, 6 Hank Jr. & 7 for .38 Special. Sales were brisk. Great looking product line. Ronnie & myself finally left the venue at 2:15AM It was late and we drove 240 miles to Atlanta. You get some strange looks when you are checking in on the same day as people are checking out. Then checking out at 2pm and drove 500 miles to Tampa on Thursday. Show in Tampa on Friday the 13th. We are wore out the Penske is no Caddy.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Pickin' up the truck
So it starts....All the simple things that turn out to be Brew Ha Ha's. I call Penske in the morning around 8:30am. And he says everything was Great and he would see me at 10am. So I get dropped off at Penske at 10 and he has no truck. Then 10 minutes later he informs he finds one. So in my own joking way I exclaim, "as long as its not a piece of crap". Then immeadiatly the young lady beside my reservation specialist exclaims "We do not have those here sir". At this time I want to break into one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes when Jerry is at the car rental desk waving his hands in the air saying " You all are great at taking the reservation you just have a problem holding the reservation".(See Video below) but I refrained. So then he points out the truck he has found me.....right outside the door, he tells me it has 69K mikes on it. then I look out the door and see a puddle on the asphalt which turns out to be transmission fluid from the "NOT a piece of crap they were wanting me to take". So NO truck for me. So then my Reservation Specialist informs me he has me a truck 15 miles away. So he has to check another truck out to me so I can drive over and pick it up. Now the silver lining comes I get a brand new truck with only 1100 miles on it. I Love my job.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Tour Fixin To start
So the Skynyrd / Hank Jr. Tour starts Wednesday night in Huntsville, Al. The tours official name is "The Rowdy Frynds Tour". This one has all the potential of being one crazy time. we'll see! My brother flies in to NashVegas on Tuesday morning he is going to assist me on the first week. So The Mike & Ron Show will be back in full swing. For more info on the tour check out